Abstracts in English | Justitsministeriet

On this page you will find English abstracts of reports by the Research Division at the Ministry of Justice.


Convictions leading to psychiatric measures in 2022 (20-11-23)

Foranstaltningsdomme i 2022 – Domme idømt i 2022, antal igangværende domme og varighed af afsluttede domme (Full report in Danish)

Exposure to violence and other forms of crime – victim surveys 2005-2022 (20-11-23)

Udsathed for vold og andre former for kriminalitet. Offerundersøgelserne 2005-2022 (Full report in Danish)

Study on the effects on criminal recidivism. Sub-evaluation of the Youth Crime Board (17-10-23)

Effektmåling med fokus på recidiv (justitsministeriet.dk)

Children and youth crime trends 2013-2022 (08-08-23)

Udvikling i børne- og ungdomskriminalitet 2013-2022 (Full report in Danish)

Survey of feelings of safety 2022 (28-06-2023)

Tryghedsundersøgelse 2022 (full report in danish)

Number of cases considered by the Youth Crime Board and the subject matter of decisions made by the Board (26-04-23)

Antallet af behandlede sager og indholdet i Ungdomskriminalitetsnævnets afgørelser. En delevaluering af Ungdomskriminalitetsnævnet. (Full report in Danish)

Convictions leading to psychiatric measures in 2021 (16-02-23)

Foranstaltningsdomme i 2021 – Domme idømt i 2021, antal igangværende domme og varighed af afsluttede domme (Full report in Danish)

Exposure to violence and other forms of crime – victim surveys 2005-2021 (27-01-23)

Udsathed for vold og andre former for kriminalitet. Offerundersøgelserne 2005-2021 (Full report in Danish)


Handling of legal disputes by businesses and individuals – a survey conducted on behalf of the Standing Committee on Procedural Law (08-09-2022)

Virksomheders og borgeres håndtering af retlige konflikter (Full report in Danish)

Propensity to report violent crime and sexual offences – a study into the extent of and reasons for unreported crimes (26-08-2022)

Anmeldelsestilbøjelighed i sager om vold og seksualforbrydelser. En undersøgelse af omgang af og årsager til at borgere undlader at anmelde kriminalitet (Full report in Danish)

Survey of feelings of safety 2021 – a measurement of feelings of safety and trust in the police across Denmark, the 12 police districts, the 98 municipalities and disadvantaged areas (12-08-2022)

Tryghedsundersøgelse 2021 (Full report in Danish)

Implementation of decisions, supervision and the re-hearing of cases – a sub-evaluation of the Youth Crime Board (28-06-2022)

Udmøntning af afgørelser, tilsyn og genindbringelse af sager. En delevaluering af Ungdomskriminalitetsnævnet (Full report in Danish)

Burglary prevention – a chemical property marking trial in the North Zealand Police District (12-01-2022)

Forebyggelse af indbrud (Full report in Danish)


Youth protection examinations and recommendations – sub-evaluation of the Youth Crime Board (22-12-2021)

Ungefaglige undersøgelser og indstillinger. En delevaluering af Ungdomskriminalitetsnævnet (Full report in Danish)

Screening and referreal – sub-evaluation of the Youth Crime Board (22-12-2021)

Screening og henvisning. En delevaluering af Ungdomskriminalitetsnævnet (Full report in Danish)

Exposure to violence and other forms of crime – victim surveys 2005-2020 (15-12-2021

Udsathed for vold og andre former for kriminalitet – offerundersøgelserne 2005-2020 (Full report in Danish)

Feeling of safety and trust in the police and legal system (14-12-2021)

Tryghed og tillid til politi og retssystem (Full report in Danish)

Assessment of Police Cadet Junior (04-10-2021)

Evaluering af Politikadet junior (Full report in Danish)

The economic impact of crime prevention and rehabilitation of inmates (03-09-2021)

Økonomiske konsekvenser af indsatser over for indsatte (Full report in Danish)

The Youth Crime Board Meeting – evaluation of the Danish Youth Crime Board (10-05-2021)

Nævnsmødet. En delevaluering af Ungdomskriminalitetsnævnet (Full report in Danish)


The effects of punishment in relation to perpetrators, the population and victims (04-05-2020)

Virkninger af straf (Full report in Danish)

Freedom of expression in Denmark (30-04-2020)

Ytringsfrihedsundersøgelse (Full report in Danish)

Representativeness of lay judges (31-03-2020)

Lægdommeres repræsentativitet (Full report in Danish)

Types of homicide in Denmark (31-01-2020)

Typer af drab (Full report in Danish)


Evaluation of the role of the police in preventing radicalisation and PET’s exit project (21-02-2019)

Evaluering af politiets rolle i det radikaliseringsforbyggende arbejde og PET’s exitindsats (Full report in Danish)


Members of criminal groups (21-12-2018)

Medlemmer af kriminelle grupperinger (Full report in Danish)

The extent of stalking (14-11-2018)

Rapport om omfanget og karakteren af stalking (Full report in Danish)

The citizens’ satisfaction with the police (24-09-2018)

Borgernes tilfredshed med politiet (Full report in Danish)

New examination of the experience of victims when reporting a sexual assault to the police (14-08-2018)

Ny undersøgelse af ofres oplevelser ved anmeldelse af seksuelle overgreb til politiet (Full report in Danish)

Selected socio-economic cost of crime committed by members of criminal groups (28-06-2018)

Udvalgte samfundsøkonomiske omkostninger som følge af kriminalitet begået af medlemmer af kriminelle grupper (Full report in Danish)

The effect of Agreement on Good Behavior (21-06-2018)

En effektevaluering af et forsøgsprojekt vedrørende forebyggelse af ungdomskriminalitet (Full report in Danish)

The effect of Consultation of networks (21-06-2018)

Netværkssamråd – En effektevaluering af servicelovens § 57 c (Full report in Danish)

Burglary prevention – a property marking trial in Aarhus (22-05-2018)

Rapport om usynlig mærkning (Full report in Danish)

Conflict mediation and the effect on victims (03-05-2018)

Effekten af konfliktmægling for ofre (Full report in Danish)

Victims of rape and other sexual offences (03-05-2018)

Rapport om voldtægt og andre seksualforbrydelser (Full report in Danish)


The effect of Youth Consultations on criminal desistance (16-11-2017)

Effektevaluering af ungesamråd (Full report in Danish)

Juvenile crime – the most criminal children and youth (25-10-2017)

Ungdomskriminalitet – de mest kriminelle (Full report in Danish)

Development in juvenile crime – the most criminal children and youth (25-10-2017)

Udviklingen i ungdomskriminalitet – de mest kriminelle (Full report in Danish)

Propensity of victims to report sexual assaults (06-10-2017)

Anmeldelsestilbøjelighed blandt ofre for seksuelle overgreb (Full report in Danish)

Victim experiences when reporting sexual assault to the police (06-10-2017)

Ofres oplevelse ved anmeldelse af seksuelle overgreb til politiet (Full report in Danish)

The turnover in adult gang-criminal groups and outlaw motorcycle clubs, 2009-2017 (08-09-2017)

Flowet i rocker-/bandemiljøerne (Full report in Danish)

The Danes’ perception of crime in society (16-08-2017)

Danskernes opfattelse af kriminalitet i samfundet (Full report in Danish)

Perpetrators and crime situations in cases of rape and other sexual offences (03-05-2017)

Gerningsmænd og gerningssituationer i sager om voldtægt og andre seksualforbrydelser (Full report in Danish)

Hot spot policing in a Danish context (08-02-2017)

Forsøg med hot spot-politiarbejde (Full report in Danish)


Agreement about good behavior (23-12-2016)

Aftale om god opførsel – to kommuners erfaringer med et forsøgsprojekt vedrørende forebyggelse af ungdomskriminalitet (Full report in Danish)

Consultation of networks – municipalities’ use of and experiences with section 57c of the Danish Social Services Act (08-12-2016)

Netværkssamråd – kommunernes anvendelse af og erfaringer med servicelovens § 57 c (Full report in Danish)

Exit programmes for gang members and outlaw bikers (second progress report) (24-11-2016)

Exit-forløb med rockere og bandemedlemmer (Full report in Danish)

The turnover in adult gang-criminal groups and outlaw motorcycle clubs, 2009-2016 (15-06-2016)

Flowet i rocker/bandemiljøerne (Full report in Danish)

The effect of conditional registration on the criminal records of young offenders (20-04-2016)

Betinget strafnotering (Full report in Danish)

The impact of increasing the severity of sentences (19-04-2016)

Rapport om strafskærpelser (Full report in Danish)

Victim-offender Mediation and reoffending (16-03-2016)

Evaluering af konfliktråd (Full report in Danish)

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